Hear from Cynthia

Listen to podcast episodes and read articles that Cynthia has been featured on.

Great big yes! podcast

Cynthia shares her wealth of knowledge and wisdom about yoga, the mind, body, and spirit. She also shares her own experience with yoga and how it led her to become a yoga therapist and create Yoga in 3D! Cynthia dives deep into the functional movement behind yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation benefits yoga provides you that is practical for everyone.

mind & body strong podcast

Cynthia discusses how as a Yoga Therapist, she specializes in the Vagus Nerve, Lymphatic System, Breath Mechanics, Natural Movement, Trauma, and Yoga for Twelve-Step Recovery.

soul grit podcast

Cynthia goes over what yoga therapy is, how gentle movement can help you process difficult emotions, and if yoga is ok for Christians. She shares how God moved her away from trauma and into transformation through yoga. She also goes over how you can find a trauma-informed yoga therapist.


Cynthia shares how she got involved in yoga, what led her to start YOGAIN3D™ and what exactly a Yoga Therapist is. Cynthia uses yoga as a modality to help women connect with their body and mind through a unique and personal experience designed for them.

Growing Your Business Podcast