Magnolia Academy

If you are just starting out on your journey or you are an enthusiast to bodywork, there is something for you, with these science based programs. Learn how to help your body heal from pain and manage stress. Go at your own pace in the comfort of your home!

Picture of a mans body with the VAGUS nerve highlighted.  It shows how much of the vagus nerve affects the entire body. This link will take you to a training on how to relax the nervous system, retrain the vagus nerve and create a holistic healing.

How to change my stress

This is a picture of a mans back seeing his spine lit up in read, bent over and appears to be in pain in the low back. This is a link for a workshop on understanding back pain and creating healthy habits for backs

understand my back pain

HEAL YOUR breath Workshop

This is an image. of a women and all her lymphatic pathways. It is a link to a workshop that will help you understand the importance of lymph and how it is one of the biggest ways to help heal the body

Lymphatics for my health

Feet and your Foundation